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General Advice for £45

Would you like a plan of how to build on your strengths as a writer and tackle your weaknesses?

Clarendon House Publications will look closely at your work through the Fiction Self-Assessment Questionnaire and, using tips from over 40 years of experience in studying fiction of all kinds, point you in the right direction to make your fiction more successful with individual advice.

How General Advice Works

1. First, get the comprehensive multi-page Free Fiction Self-Assessment Questionnaire and fill it in, taking time to answer each question carefully. Get your response and make sure that you are satisfied with it before you outlay any money!

2. Once you have the Questionnaire feedback, click the 'Buy Now' button you'll find on this page and use PayPal to pay your £45.

3. Receive your strategy for dealing with the points that came up from your Questionnaire.

All Fiction Self-Assessment Questionnaires are looked at 'live' -there is no algorithm that can provide you with the individual assessment of your writing that you need.

You will get a report which includes a graph which will immediately highlight the key functions in your fiction that need work, as well as pointing out where the work is doing well.

The strategy will be tailor-made for your writing and will concentrate on using the resources you already have in order to move forward.

Click here for General Advice now!


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