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How Stories Really Work

The material in this book is dangerous. In this fascinating study of fiction, which examines contemporary movies, Dickensian novels, Shakespearian plays, American sit-coms and much more, you will learn:

• what a story really is and what it is actually doing to and for readers

• the magnetic power that draws readers into a work of fiction even before the introduction of any character

• what the thing called a ‘character’ actually is, and the secrets of how to rapidly build a convincing one that attracts readers

• the things called ‘plots’, what they are and how they are actually made (rather than how you might suppose they are made)

• what ‘protagonists’ and ‘antagonists’ really are, and what the connection between them consists of

• the four categories of the powerful force that compels readers to turn pages

• the ‘nuclear reactor’ that drives all successful stories through to their conclusion

• how the four basic genres -Epic, Tragedy, Irony and Comedy- are composed and how they work to create different effects

and much, much more.

Get How Stories Really Work now!

What people have said about G. P. Hudson’s writings:

‘It’s beautiful, informative, essential reading for anyone who wants to write fiction. It’s almost a responsibility point, you’re committing a crime if you don’t get it into peoples’ hands!!!’ -B.R. (Author)

‘Your book is teaching me all the stuff that the other books don’t! I can learn all about three-act structures and all that stuff elsewhere -this book is telling me exactly what to put INTO the structure! It makes writing so easy and you can immediately spot where you’re going wrong! Excellent!’ -L.J. (Professional)

‘This is an absolutely amazing achievement! I highly recommend it to anyone interested in writing fiction.’ -T.R. (Student)

‘I was extremely impressed. This is not idle flattery. You’ve done a superb job in uncovering the factors that go into making a great piece of literature.’ -B.R. (Executive)

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