Introducing the Inner Circle Writers' Group on Facebook
For those of you who might be following this blog and don't know quite how everything fits together here, allow me to set things out.
This blog is part of the website for Clarendon House Publications, the organisation established and run by Yours Truly for the purpose of making dreams come true - i.e. helping writers tell stories that actually work and then getting those stories into the hands and minds of readers. (This includes my own dream of publishing ten books, including my own, each year for the next ten years at least - on target so far!)
But prior to setting up Clarendon House, I started something called the Inner Circle Writers' Group, back in 2008. This was in response to a demand for more materials from me at that time, and it had its own website and books were being written back then. But with hindsight, I would say that it was all a little premature back then: my life wasn't set up to continue to grow the thing, and I ended up getting swallowed up in full-time work for the next six years which meant that the group didn't get the attention I wanted to give it.
With the advent of a new life up here in Yorkshire, and the establishment of Clarendon House, and a growing presence on social media, I was able to give the group a re-birth: welcome to the Inner Circle Writers' Group on Facebook!
At first the group was just a venue for me to talk to you, another blog, in a way. But from September 2017 I threw open the doors: the focus became you, the reader. You can now post to the group ANYTHING about writing, including:
•passages from books you admire •recommended reading •extracts from your own work! (Keep them short!) •requests for advice or guidance about anything to do with writing
The idea is to turn the Inner Circle Writers' Group into a thriving community, celebrating fiction of all kinds. Some guidelines from the group page:
At least at the beginning, your posts will need to be approved by me before they appear. I'm usually quick at this, but be aware that I am on UK time. Only members will be able to post and see others' posts - this gives other members some protection.
I will continue to add my own contributions and will be available to answer questions etc.
So please feel free to hop on over to the group and join and participate:
Of course, the group also has its home page here on this website.
If you want to find out how to publish the book that you've always dreamed of writing, explore this website. And while you're here, please collect your FREE GIFTS.
My books are published through Clarendon House Publications and are available for purchase from with a few also available on Amazon.
I am also available for proofreading and editing, usually at below industry rates.
Enjoy the group, feel free to comment and share!