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'2021 is already looking brighter...'

2021 Offers

2020 was a rough year for most of us, you don’t need me to remind you. But for writers, 2021 is already looking brighter because Clarendon House Publications has put together three shining new offers for writers all over the world, dealing with marketing, beta feedback and proofreading.

Here they are:


Implement a Marketing Strategy That Works!

What you get:

A marketing platform that actually sells your book

Confidence that your book will find its correct public

Freed-up time and attention from the whole mysterious area of ‘marketing’ = more time to focus on writing

The foundations of a career as a writer

Mentored support to get you started

How it’s delivered:

•A short online mini-course in marketing basics

•A do-able social media programme tailored to your needs and availability

•Guidance on how to get started and how to maintain a successful approach to marketing your work

•One month’s online support to help you build momentum

Normal price: £500

Special 2021 offer:



Drop me a line:


Unique Beta Feedback

What you get:

Certainty on strengths and weaknesses in your story, based on the unique methodology of How Stories Really Work

An understanding of the foundations of successful storytelling and how it applies to your fiction

Advice on how to rapidly make your work more attractive to readers

Boosted confidence in your power as an author

PLUS a free e-copy of How Stories Really Work

How it’s delivered:

•Send me a piece of work - a whole book, a story or an extract

•I study it according to the principles outlined in my best-selling book How Stories Really Work

•I give you tailored advice on your writing and how to make it more attractive to its audience, not based on opinion but on the principles underlying ALL successful fiction

•PLUS you get a free e-copy of the book How Stories Really Work!

Normal price: £30 per 1,000 words

Special 2021 offer:


per 1,000 words


Drop me a line:


Highlighted Proofreading

What you get:

A corrected piece of work, with changes highlighted

Feedback on any common or recurring errors so that you can avoid them in future

Suggestions for the next steps to take with your work

How it’s delivered:

•Send me a piece of work - a whole book, a story or an extract

•I correct any spelling, grammar, punctuation or other technical details, highlighting each change

•I give you feedback on any common or recurring errors so that you can avoid them in the future

•PLUS I give you suggestions on the next steps to take to achieve publication!

Normal price: £20 per 1,000 words

Special 2021 offer:


per 1,000 words


Make the most of these incredible offers and ensure that 2021 is a successful year for you!


Join the Inner Circle Writers' Group on Facebook

The Inner Circle Writers' Group is all about fiction: what it is all about, how it works, helping you to write and publish it. You can keep up to date with live contributions from members, upload your own fiction, enter competitions and so on:
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