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What a Week from Clarendon House Publications!

What a week Clarendon House Publications has just had!

It started with the publication of Ruth Morgan’s short story collection The Whitworth Mysteries on Saturday October 9th. Ruth won the Great Clarendon House Writing Challenge last year, and part of the prize was a book contract — so now that promise has been fulfilled, and in spectacular fashion, with 23 tales set, for the most part, deep in the Australian outback: tales of police drama, betrayal, crime and revenge, with a few meta-fictional twists thrown in.

Go here to find out more.

Then, on Monday October 11th, the inaugural issue of the new Clarendon House Short Story Magazine was released. This e-magazine is packed with gems from Clarendon House authors — the first issue includes award-winning tales like ‘A Flicker of Time’ by R. A. Goli and ‘Sins of The Father’ by David Bowmore — and it’s entirely free! You don’t even have to hand over your email address in order to download it.

Go here to get your own copy.

On Tuesday October 12th, Justin Wiggins and I launched our jointly authored book called Surprised by Myth. This labour of love is subtitled ‘Essays on the Inklings and Their Friends’ and contains insights into the worlds of C. S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien and more. We are tremendously proud of all the endorsements which it has already received, including this from Douglas Gresham, C. S. Lewis’s step-son:

‘This new book Surprised by Myth, a collaboration between Justin Wiggins and Grant Hudson, is a remarkable piece of work. It stands apart from most other works of its kind, if indeed there are any, in that both Justin and Grant each take their own viewpoint about the complex writings and attitudes of my Stepfather C. S. Lewis, and write their feelings and ideas about the work and indeed the man himself accordingly. To our benefit, this results in all of us being able to see differing angles on Lewis’s ways of writing, and why both these two men (and anyone else) can read his works from very different background ideologies.’

—Douglas Gresham, step-son of C. S. Lewis and author of Lenten Lands: My Childhood with Joy Davidman and C.S. Lewis.

You can get a paperback or Kindle version of this special book here.

Then, on Wednesday, October 13th, the next issue of the Inner Circle Writers’ Magazine was released, featuring fabulous fiction including The Best of Clarendon House: ‘Her Sister’s Keeper Part One’ by P. A. O’Neil, the first part of a Classic Masterpiece, George MacDonald’s ‘At The Back Of The North Wind’, ‘An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge’ by Ambrose Bierce, plus author Jill Kiesow tells us about her writing life and introduces us to her book Wet Wings, and tons more, including expert advice, a How Stories Really Work Writer’s Workshop, the Wonderful World of Marketing and much. much more.

You can get the issue (or subscribe and get a whole year’s worth of issues) here.

Clarendon House Publications doesn’t stop there, though. Upcoming treats include another volume of the collected works of cutting edge storyteller Gary Bonn, and many other books from authors all over the planet, currently making their way through the production lines at one of the world’s most dynamic independent presses.

Stay tuned for the latest announcements by joining the Inner Circle Writers’ Group or bookmarking the website.

1 Comment

Dec 04, 2024

Clarendon House Publications has had an incredible week! From Ruth Morgan’s thrilling collection The Whitworth Mysteries to the launch of Surprised by Myth, the diversity and talent on display is inspiring. It’s a reminder of how important it is to support independent publishers who bring fresh voices to the table. Speaking of taking bold steps, much like how cash home buyers streamline property deals, Clarendon House continues to cut through the noise with its unique offerings. Exciting times ahead for all involved!


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