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Members of the Inner Circle Writers' Group can use this page to promote their own books. websites, blogs and so on at no cost.
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with a short 'blurb', a thumbnail image and a link and your entry will be posted in the gallery below until further notice.

Elixir of Magic: Flame Spell​


Chaos has erupted. Civil unrest has spread across the world and nations are divided from within. No one is safe from an impending apocalypse. As the end nears, new revelations come to light, revelations that hint of a lost prophecy. A prophecy that warns of a war between good and evil and of powerful magic, unlike anything the world has ever seen. If the prophecy is true... humanity will not survive unless a hero emerges. 


All Aris wanted was a normal life. All Ezra wanted was the past he could never have back. When their paths cross, things spiral out of control. Time has tested Ezra's patience, and he is unwilling to let her slip away, but Aris refuses to give in. Ezra will resort to vampire spells to win her over, but those spells often bring unexpected consequences.  

Fate will have its way. Not even a powerful vampire can stop what fate has claimed.




The story literally transports you into another world. Keegan's ability to describe senses is particularly well done. You can hear their voices, visualize the characters and their world with clarity, feel what they are feeling, almost smell the different fragrances for one's self, and even sometimes recall certain flavors on a personal level. -- Loki Goodreads Reviewer


Open: A Boy's Wayang Adventure


Open is a 10-year-old boy with a curiosity for life and the things that happen around him. He is on the autism spectrum and loves to draw. He is especially good at drawing monkeys.


When his class is selected to perform in a Chinese Opera based on the Monkey King and the Journey to the West, Open must find it in himself to overcome his obstacles and boldly step on stage.


A heartwarming story about friendship beyond barriers, Open is a gift calling to the largeness of our hearts.



Korean Road


His tour is over, but the war rages on for Dickie, one of the forever haunted veterans who gave up his soul during the "Forgotten War." Here is a glimpse of his story, of the battleground he can never leave. Only death can conclude his final objective: closure, and peace. Join him on his road, the Korean Road, as he battles horrors he carries and those that he meets along the way.


Editorial review:

        "Korean Road nailed the hell so many of us live with. It left me craving more-more of this tragic story, and more from this capable, engaging storyteller. I'm looking forward to seeing what this new author brings us next" 

            - Heath Stallcup, Creator of The Monster Squad Series






Her Mother's Sins




Arina returns to her hometown set to quell ugly rumours about her deceased mother and restore the old family motel.


Unaware of the dark secrets the motel holds, she plunges headlong into an ultimate deceit.


Single-minded and focused on her quest, she rejects the advances of Matt, a handsome stranger

- but his magnetic pull messes with her hormones, and she finds she's not sure if he's friend or enemy.


Jake, on the other hand, is set on charming her in the meantime.

When further sinister revelations plunge her life into danger, Arina doesn't know who to trust.


Dark mysteries dating back to the Second World War reveal a betrayal of the worst kind.



Her Father's Daughter




A troubling past settling behind Arina, re-emerges when a young teenager vanishes from her motel.

A desperate search for the girl leads Arina and Matt unknowingly headlong into dark and dangerous waters.


The murder of a young man, sparks rising fear and urgency in finding Rebecca alive. The clock is ticking for her safe return home.


Sublime threats from the unknown enemy cause Arina and Matt to fight desperately for their own survival.


While the pair try to figure out what they’re up against, a brutal killer is plotting revenge.


A killer, who will stop at nothing to get even with the people who

betrayed them.







Her Brother's Keeper




Life is peaceful, marriage a blissful ride.


However, the tide turns when Arina discovers a dead lawyer in her motel’s unit and her life takes a sharp left into heartache and deception.


Evidence relating to the forensic report suggests the dead man committed suicide. His sister believes he was murdered.


With her marriage suddenly in question and the sister of the deceased man begging her help, Arina finds herself on a murky and dangerous trail of lies, cover-ups and deceit.


Despite being dissuaded from getting involved, true to form, Arina dives in. Head first.





Muffy College, Cambridge


Errol, bright and witty, wants to be an astrophysicist.
Juliet, hard, streetwise, and with a heart of gold, wants to be a plumber.
Cheryl has the highest IQ ever recorded and doesn’t know what she wants—except the occasional man.
One of them is destined to end the universe. All of them are about to receive a rude awakening in which they learn nothing is as it seems, not the universe, the world, or themselves.

Welcome to Muffy College.

Your course starts now.


The Cross-dresser's Habit


At 28 Caspian Capella, a private surveillance agent, struggles with cashflow, credibility, and a life full of strange women.
Bernice Sowerby, a young and evil witch, struggles with her sanity after meeting him.
Desperation almost overrides mutual contempt and together they unravel a 777 year-old supernatural mystery—unaware that it’s unravelling them in return.
Add angels, demons, a giant andrewsarchus, and a mad goddess—and you can expect the battle between good and evil to go bang.

A fast-paced humorous fantasy action adventure that could happen to anyone.

Part II of the Rude Awakening series.

Proceed without caution.


Curses Foiled


Madeleine would like to be nice to other people – probably. It’s rather dependent on them not wanting to burn her at the stake. However, a life of running from pitchfork and flaming torch-wielding hordes has merely increased her skills of lying, brawling and running like hell.

Marked out by fate to be a man of unique destiny, Cadwallader is a baron on a secret mission to talk to gods and find the truth about reality – unaware that gods and truth are mutually exclusive.

The gods don’t know what Madeleine is. Neither does she: she’s put a lot of effort into forgetting.

The gods decide to meddle and make the two meet, but gods and wisdom are also mutually exclusive.

Part III of the Rude Awakening series

Proceed without caution


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