The Works of
Gabriella Balcom

Gabriella Balcom lives in Texas, loves reading and writing, and can be reached on Facebook.
Clarendon House books which feature stories by Gabriella Balcom
Gold: The Best from Clarendon House Anthologies Volume One: 2017/2018
'Delightfully unique’ is an applicable way of describing the tales in this volume. Gold contains all those stories that won the support of readers in the competitions that began with Flashpoint back in March 2018 and proceeded through Galaxy, Storm, Vortex, Window, Carrier Wave, Cadence and Fireburst. It also includes stories from other collections, including Steve Carr’s Sand and Gary Bonn’s Through Another’s Eyes. And, furthermore, there are one or two gems in this book from Rapture, Enigma and Miracle.
All these anthologies are accessible from this page.
In short, you have in your hands the pure ‘gold’ of a selection of tales which have delighted readers already, in their places of origin, but which have proven to have the power to entertain beyond those volumes. Spanning science fiction and fantasy, comedy and literary stories, poetry and magic realism, thrillers and thoughtful tales, Gold is a treasure trove of some of the best short fiction from 2018.

Miracle: The Inner Circle Writers’ Group Christian Stories Anthology 2018
Part of the problem of today’s society - arguably, its most essential problem - is that it lacks a vision which goes right to the heart of human suffering and still finds that hope, light and even joy are truer than misery, death and pain. The stories in this book each reflect upon that problem in some way, and conclude that, rather than being either a meaningless and indifferent universe, or one in which we are persecuted victims of a faceless power, perhaps there is something else at work: perhaps — just perhaps, mind — the older world was not as deluded by superstition as many think, but actually had a pretty firm grasp of certain foundational truths which the last hundred years or so have eroded away in the popular mind.
Perhaps a Christian story is a way, in other words, of revealing something about reality which few other kinds of story can do.
Whether or not the authors in this book succeeded in their revelations is up to you.
But it can make quite a difference to a life when they do succeed.

Rapture: The Inner Circle Writers’ Group Romance Anthology 2018
The genre of romantic fiction is one which easily conjures cliché images of tall, dark strangers and meetings across crowded rooms. This anthology blows those clichés apart: here you will find genre-spanning stories which test the outer limits of what romance is, and which also explore its depths in the heart.
Prepare for surprises, passion, energy and a smattering of the unusual; prepare for mini-sagas set in foreign climes, short pieces which evoke amorous devotion, and even some alluring poetry, in one of the most entertaining, thoughtful and heart-warming collections produced this year.

Fireburst: The Inner Circle Writers' Group Second Flash Fiction Anthology 2018
Intense, keen, extreme, sincere, deeply felt, wholehearted - you’ll find stories within ranging from the amusing to the overwhelming, from the earnest to the cute. Clarendon House has once again drawn together a selection of fabulous talents to weave you into their story worlds so that you will scarcely believe what can be done in less than 2,000 words per tale. Perfect if you want to relish the moments; ideal if you desire entertainment on-the-run; essential if you’re eager to see what the future has to offer in terms of great writers - this is the book for you.

Window: The Inner Circle Writers' Group Children's Anthology 2018
This book is for readers aged 8 to 80, and contains many adventures of various kinds, ranging from travels with faeries (spelt with an ‘e’) to challenges in the playground, as well as other things you can scarcely imagine.
You’ll meet dogs and cats, wizards and dinosaurs, princesses and leprechauns, mermaids and men made of spice - and much more.
You’ll meet creatures both real and fantastic, find courage in the face of the amazing and bravery when everything looks dark.
Some of these tales might even become favourites that will linger with you long after you close these pages.

“Bobby—You'd Never Guess" in A Contract of Words, an anthology published by Scout Media
"A New Life for Sara" in Vortex, The Inner Circle Writers’ Group Literary Anthology, published by Clarendon House Publications
"Kevin and the Unexpected Visitor" in Window, The Inner Circle Writers' Group Children's Anthology, published by Clarendon House Publications
"Shadows of the Anasazi" in Phuket Tattoo, published by Zombie Pirate Publishing
"Bernard, Liquor's Slave" (a poem) in Cadence, The Inner Circle Writers' Group Poetry Anthology, published by Clarendon House Publications
"The Last Laugh" in Fireburst, The Inner Circle Writers' Group Second Flash Fiction Anthology, published by Clarendon House Publications
"Nun or Not?" in Rapture, The Inner Circle Writers' Group Romance Anthology, published by Clarendon House Publications
"Mouses and Rats Cot Reel Cheep!" in Miracle, The Inner Circle Writers' Group Christian Stories Anthology, published by Clarendon House Publications
"Younger by the Minute" in Flash Fiction Addiction, an anthology published by Zombie Pirate Publishing
“Nun or Not?” in Gold, The Inner Circle Writers' Group Best of Anthology, published by Clarendon House Publications
“The Siamese” pending publication with Blooming Dark
“What I Miss the Most” in Magical Reality, an anthology published by Pixie Forest Publishing
“Suzie's Wish,” pending publication in Athena, an anthology by Dastaan World
Ten drabbles pending publication in Curses & Cauldrons, an anthology by Blood Song Books:
"After Death"
"Never Again"
"Out of the Way"
"Perfect at Last"
"Shora's Curse: Every Day"
"Summoning a Demon"
"The In-Crowd"
"Try Now"
"What She'd Do for Love"
"Feeling Justified” in the Dastaan World Magazine, Chapter 12, Labryinth, published by Dastaan World
Five drabbles pending publication in Worlds, Dark Drabbles #1, an anthology by Black Hare Press:
“A Bee Situation”
“After the Asteroid Fell”
“An Unusual Sky”
“Roy's New Friend”
“Something Unknown”
“People Are Not Always What They Seem” pending publication in Gods and Goddesses, an anthology by Iron Faerie Publishing
“Love and Time” in the March 2019 Inner Circle Writers' Magazine, published by Clarendon House Publications
Four haikus and ten poems pending publication in Organic Ink Volume #1, an anthology by Dragon Soul Press:
“Unnamed Haiku #1”
“Unnamed Haiku #2”
“Unnamed Haiku #3”
“Unnamed Haiku #4”
“Black, Yellow, Red, or White”
“Fire and Ice”
“Forever I am Thine”
“Little Squirrel”
“My Children”
“My Dear”
“No Happiness, No Hope”
“Safe Haven”
“To the Liars Who Hurt Us”
“Your Sprouts”
Five drabbles pending publication in Angels, Dark Drabbles #2, an anthology by Black Hare Press:
“Caught in the Act”
“Gary's Visitor”
“On the Bridge”
“Something Better”
“Never Underestimate the Benefits of Taking a Break” in the April 2019 Inner Circle Writers' Magazine, published by Clarendon House Publications
“Big Mouth” in the April 2019 Siren's Call Publications ezine, published by Siren's Call Publications
“Mordred the Magnificent and Melina the Marvelous” published in the April 2019 World of Myth Magazine, published by World of Myth
An anthology of my stories pends publication by Clarendon House Publications. I won this opportunity when my story in Miracle, the Inner Circle Writers' Group Christian Stories Anthology, was voted as the best one.
Five drabbles pending publication in Monsters, Dark Drabbles #3, an anthology by Black Hare Press:
“During the Game”
“It Came in Silence”
“Ivie's Bubble Bath”
“Tequila Bottle”
“The Cave”
“He Loved Me,” a drabble pending publication in Dastaan World Magazine, Chapter 14 Nostalgia, published by Dastaan World
“Her Only Desire” pending publication in Dastaan World Magazine, Chapter 15 Osmosis, published by Dastaan World
“Not Catching On” pending publication in Summer's Splash, an anthology by Fantasia Divinity