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All artwork here is original. Original drawings are available for purchase, but are also available in a huge variety of formats.
Art prints, canvas prints, phone cases, T-shirts, pillows, clocks, laptop skins, greeting cards and much, much more, produced by Redbubble in San Francisco, California and Melbourne, Australia. Clicking the button below will take you to the full range of products at my Redbubble shop.
I am available for commissions.

To view these and thousands of other images on
hundreds of items of merchandise

G. P. Hudson Art Studio screenshot 8.png

To view these and thousands of other images on
hundreds of items of merchandise

To view these and thousands of other images on
hundreds of items of merchandise

To keep up-to-date and see drawings as they are produced, join my Facebook group, G. P. Hudson Art Studio.

Encompassing a series of pencil sketches undertaken between the late 1970s and 2017, this volume is a window into the artistic world of Grant P. Hudson and forms the perfect introduction to a selection of his original art, now available on over 5,000 items of merchandise internationally.

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