Author, Poet, Artist, Mentor, Editor, Educator, Humorist, Entrepreneur
Hello, my name is Grant Hudson and what you will see on these pages is a reflection of who I am, my interests, and what I can do for you.
I am a published author and poet, have over 5,000 items of merchandise available featuring my artwork, have edited and published many books, taught many people, made many more laugh (education and laughter go well together) and have delved into business on many levels.
What You Will Find Here
I cover a wide range of topics including how stories really work and how to write them to attract readers, the secrets of English literature, how to succeed in business, what education is all about, and so on. You’ll find articles on Doctor Who, J. R. R. Tolkien, C. S. Lewis, comics, film and television and much more, as well as free gifts, a blog packed full with a variety of information and experiences, and items about running your own business or making a career as a writer or artist. Feel free to browse through everything, most of it is completely free.
You might even find part of yourself here somewhere.
Who am I?
In brief, I was born in Sheffield, England, but migrated with my family to Australia when I was still a child. I attended university in Adelaide and returned to the UK in the early 1990s, becoming a successful small business consultant in the heart of London, with an office just off Berkeley Square. I later worked as an English Literature teacher in a private school in Sussex, becoming the Head Teacher there for several years. Now I live in Yorkshire, on the edge of the Peak District National Park, with my family. Here I concentrate on my real passions: thinking, writing and drawing.
None of that really tells you who I am though, does it? From an early age I had an active imagination and was writing stories and drawing all the time. I invented over 150 superheroes, developed at least 15 fictional worlds, studied literature, history and philosophy at university, and went on many strange adventures, always desiring to know more about what makes things work behind the scenes. My passion for the works of Tolkien and Lewis led me to further studies, and, after more wild adventures, I developed my own theories of how fiction works - which turned out to be surprisingly applicable to other fields too, like business, relationships and Life in general.
A Window Onto My World - and Maybe Yours Too
I absolutely love what I do and I am passionate about getting my ideas and my art out there for others to both enjoy and benefit from. But I am what they call an ‘introvert’ - I prefer solitude and days free to think and write and draw, rather than the hustle and bustle that socialising brings. That’s why this site is a rare window into my world.
I am (they tell me) quite disciplined and prolific, and put a great deal of thought into what I do. I love England and things English in general, and Yorkshire and my small part of it in particular. I like comfort and small pleasures, and reading and laughter.
You can get to know me. Along the way you might find out if I can do something for you.