Authenticity Part Three
We’re talking about authenticity here — the ability and practice of doing what you do best and thereby attracting your best readers, the...
Authenticity Part Two
Writers who don’t first establish their own authenticity are missing their biggest opportunities . Knowing what it is you are trying to...
Authenticity Part One
You’ve probably heard or read all about ‘authenticity’ and how important it is for a writer to be ‘genuinely authentic’, but perhaps that...
The Power of 'No'
A key moment can occur in a writer’s career when he or she starts turning down opportunities. You read that right: turning them down....
The Trap of Needing Approval
It’s very easy, as a writer, to fall into the trap of needing to be praised. However, if your need to be important, to be admired and to...
How Much Do You Want To Succeed As A Writer?
Earlier, I revealed a secret about achieving goals — namely that, if one concentrates more and more on the specifics of a goal, naming...
Some Maxims for Writers Part 2
Following on from Part One: 17. Break your heart and you break others’ hearts. Heartbreaks open the floodgates to emotional commitment...
Some Maxims for Writers Part 1
Offered without comment, for your use as you see fit... 1. Write about what you love. You may have heard the maxim ‘Write about what you...