Teaching English Literature to Teenagers
When teaching English Literature to teenagers, a common practice in schools from the time when I was at school myself (and probably for...

The Relationship Between a School and its Parents
An independent school is in an unusual position in that its ‘customers’ (the people who pay the money for a service) are the parents, but...

Aesthetics and Education
Education and aesthetics are bound together in mysterious ways, it seems. But how exactly? What do people mean when they talk about an...

What is the Single Biggest Problem Faced by Students When They Come to Write an Essay?
Almost every student is taught that an essay has to have an Introduction, followed by the Body of the essay, and then concluded with......

What's the Point of English Literature?
At some point in teaching teenagers, usually just before or soon after you have entered the dreaded ’S’ subject (Shakespeare), someone in...

How to Teach J. B. Priestley's 'An Inspector Calls'
Of course there is no one definitive way to teach anything, but this advice is based on the experience of over fifteen years of teaching...

6 Ingredients of an Ideal Lesson
Lessons come and go. Some are great, some less so. Sometimes a lesson that has been planned to within an inch of its life ends up...

The Handbook That Addresses Reading
Getting children to read and to enjoy reading involves quite a bit more than just teaching them how to do it. Some children immediately...

Encouraging Help Around the Home
Home life with teenagers can be a challenge for adults as well as the teenagers themselves. The dynamics of the family are subject to...

Reading Partnerships
‘Partnering’ in this sense is the pairing up of two children reading the same book. It has been found that when you team up children of...