A Balance of Approaches in Education
Some years ago now, I did a student survey which looked at which subjects in the school were favourites with the students and which were...

For Children Attending School
Here’s article addressed to children in a school situation. Make what use of it you can. Out of every 168 hours that there are in a week,...

The Good Teacher
Interaction, interaction, interaction. That’s what teaching is all about, and that’s what terrifies most student teachers or those new to...

Creating a Classroom Atmosphere
The teacher’s role in creating an atmosphere in the classroom is central to teaching and learning. Often this is about dispelling an...

The Educational Environment
To accomplish anything educationally, some control is needed. The word ‘control’ has a bad name in some quarters. As a verb, it comes...

Setting the Classroom Scene
Here are some tips to help teachers in the potentially fiery chamber known as the ‘classroom’: 1. Don’t ‘talk down’ to children. Don't...

8 Tips for Teachers and Parents
It’s possible to portray the relationship that must exist between parents and teachers as a perpetually confrontational one, which is why...

The Biggest Single Factor in Improving Learning
Volumes and volumes of opinion exist as to what gets results in education. A rapid consultation of newspapers, political statements, even...

Who Wants To Be A Mediaeval Millionaire?
When teaching 11 to 14 year olds about mediaeval literature like Beowulf or Gawain and the Green Knight, one runs into the enormous...

Shakespeare: Bypassing the Barriers
It was common practice in schools a few years ago, and may still be, that, in order to ‘do’ Shakespeare, the teacher would play Baz...