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Fabulous Free Gifts for Writers

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Do you want to wake up every morning excited to get writing?

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1. Your Powerful Proofreading Checklist

• Learn how to proofread your own work

• Find out how to set your document up so that publication is as smooth as possible

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3. The first true step on the road to being a successful published author! Get the introductory module to my 12-week e-course ‘Building Your Creative Enthusiasm’ and find out:

• why passion really matters and why you’ll have trouble without it

• why you should have clear values that guide your fiction, and why doing so will make your readers even more excited to buy from you and tell their friends about you

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and importantly:

• how all of the above just won’t happen unless you take very practical and do-able steps to control your life so that other things don’t get in the way of your writing!

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(Coming soon: Enlightened Advice for Writers, Volume 1, also free!)

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