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Data Protection and Privacy Policy

In the interests of letting as many people know this as possible, so as to be compliant with new data protection legislation, here is the letter I recently sent out to subscribers. It's probably a little bit boring but is also intended to be reassuring.

Dear Clarendon House Publications Customer, Inner Circle Writers’ Group member and E-newsletter Subscriber,


Due to the new data protection laws, I am writing to let you know about my privacy policy. Your trust is important to me and I want to explain how I store and handle your personal data.

Over the years, I have been happy to provide you with irregular complimentary e-newsletters or my on-line Inner Circle Writers’ Group pages on social media, and I keep in touch with you on an irregular basis by email, letting you know of activities as well as various developments in Clarendon House Publications and imminent new book releases, competitions, promotions and special offers. I hear back from many of you on a regular basis with news of your writing and works which you kindly send to me.

Financial information

I only process financial information according to your instructions and will only ever use payment card information in accordance with established standards and the requirements of our payment processor.

Postal Details

Your postal information, if I have it, is kept securely and I only share these details with the mailing house that might send out my books or a courier/postal provider so they can deliver your order or a package that needs to be sent to you.

Email Data

Your email address is stored securely and will be used to send you information relating to any purchases you have made, whereupon it may be passed on to a postal or courier company in order to provide updates on packages you have ordered. It is also used to deliver my e-newsletters and any on-line communications if you are a subscriber. With your continued consent, I may use your email address to send you additional offers relating to products sold or presented as free gifts by Clarendon House Publications, as well as information on writing events and courses and subscriptions to magazines. Your email address will not be passed on to any third party without explicit consent, and you have the right to withdraw consent for direct marketing at any time without affecting your subscriptions or access to information relating to your purchases.

If you are still happy to hear from me, then you will not need to do anything more - I will continue to keep in contact with you.

My privacy policy is below.

If you no longer wish to hear from me by email then you can unsubscribe - please send an email with the message subject 'Remove' to giving the email address you wish removed.

Please also note you can change your mind about receiving emails from me at any time using the same method.

Data Protection Policy and Privacy Notice


Who we are

Clarendon House Publications is the name of Grant Hudson’s publishing firm, operating as a sole trader in the UK. We manage and make decisions about personally identifiable information we hold, including from time to time transferring that information to other companies who act on our behalf.

What we do

We publish books and offer advice to writers. We also manage the Inner Circle Writers’ Group which offers additional benefits from Clarendon House Publications. In order to do this, we store personal and contact information about our recent and past customers, which we use to keep them updated on products.

How to contact us

You can call us on +44(0)7738447764, or send an email to

If you would prefer to write to us, our office address is:

Clarendon House Publications

76 Coal Pit Lane,


South Yorkshire

S36 1AW


Personally Identifiable Information

Clarendon House Publications stores and uses information that could be used to identify a living person. The purpose of this storage and use will vary depending on the area of the business that it pertains to. Where consent is required or used as the basis for storage and use of personal information, this will be clearly communicated, and the person providing their consent has the right to withdraw it at any time.

Human Resources

We store information relating to employees and contractors so that we have adequate records to be able to contact, manage and pay them, and meet our legal obligations as an employer. This information may be sent to another company working on our behalf, where the relationship is defined by a contract, and they are not permitted to use the information in any way we have not explicitly asked them to. Only certain authorised personnel within the company have access to this information.


We conduct direct marketing activities in order to market opportunities and offers to our recent and past customers. Since we obtain contact details for people in the course of a sale, we believe their privacy rights are balanced with our business interests.


From time to time we may store names and business contact details of individual people working for our suppliers' business. This is necessary to ensure we are able to contact the relevant people and maintain a relationship to the benefit of both our and their business.

Service Delivery

Clarendon House Publications requests certain personal information such as name, email address and postal address, in order to provide the service of delivering goods and services.

Sources of Personal Information

Information about individuals may originate from different sources, including being collected from the person themselves. We agree to disclose the source of any data we hold about a person upon their request.

Rights of Data Subjects

People whose information we hold are called "data subjects". We respect the rights of data subjects and will work with anyone exercising those rights to ensure their expectation of privacy is met.

Anyone has the right to object to the use of their personal information for the purpose of direct marketing at any time, and Clarendon House Publications will always respect such a decision, provided that it is communicated clearly and that we can verify the identity of the person making the request. This can be as simple as making the request from the same email address or telephone number that we associate with the person. We do not use data subject requests to collect further information about a person, and any additional contact details obtained in the course of such discussions are used only in connection with that request, so that we can maintain clear and informative communication with the person and ensure their needs and expectations are met.

If a data subject is unhappy with the way Clarendon House Publications have collected, stored or used their personal information, or the way we have dealt with their request, we acknowledge that they have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner's Office in the United Kingdom.

Data Storage and Security

We do our best to store information relating to our business on computer systems rather than paper files, although it is often necessary to print or write upon such items as payslips, cheques and invoices, which will usually contain information about the recipient. While these and similar items are ordinarily transferred quickly in sealed envelopes or given directly to the recipient, any storage of them is managed by authorised staff who ensure that unauthorised persons do not have direct access. Aside from this, address information will be printed on a visible portion of the packaging of any parcel sent in order to deliver goods purchased to a customer.

It is our policy that data stored electronically be protected from unauthorised access, accidental deletion and malicious hacking attempts.

Data Retention

Except where a legal obligation to retain data exists, Clarendon House Publications does not store personal information for any longer than is necessary for its defined purpose. Wherever an individual has expressed that they no longer wish to have information we hold about them used for the purpose under which we hold it, we may continue to store certain identifiers to ensure that person's information does not re-enter our systems at a later date.

Data we hold about subscribers and past subscribers will be held according to their agreement.

When data is no longer to be retained, its removal, deletion or erasure will be performed according to processes suitable for the medium, for example the secure shredding of paper documents, deletion from internal systems, or overwriting (wiping) of hard disks.

If you have any questions about any of the above, please write to me:

Best wishes,

Grant P. Hudson

Author, Poet, Artist, Mentor, Editor, Educator, Humorist, Entrepreneur, Grant P. Hudson is the founder of Clarendon House Publications, an online venue for independent writers, self-publishers and others around the world, and the author of several books including How Stories Really Work and the 12-week e-course How to Write Stories That Work - and Get Them Published! He is an accomplished artist and designer with 1,000s of items of merchandise featuring his original artwork. Find out more here:

Clarendon House Publications

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