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Special Magazine Subscribers' Package

As some of you may know, I offer a range of services to writers all over the world.

My beta reading service has received tremendous feedback in particular, with one author saying ‘You will not regret it - his feedback is thorough and educated and very instructional - it beats the pants off of anything I have ever received in the way of feedback from any other beta reader I've ever had.’

Highlighted proofreading, which means correcting a manuscript while painstakingly showing each correction, is something that I also do and which has received positive feedback from people all over the world.

Helping writers construct both a story synopsis (for editors and publishers to read, outlining the whole story) and putting together dynamic blurbs which hook potential readers’ attention (without giving away the storyline) are also things I do for writers which can be of tremendous benefit, as I know that blurbs in particular are things that many struggle with.

Having also designed dozens of book covers over the years, I can also offer some advice and skills in that area.

And I offer professional marketing consultancies to make sure that you are presenting your book in the most effective and least expensive way to potential buyers.

To give you an idea of costs, I’ll describe this range of services to you here:

Professional beta reading for 5,000 words of any work or excerpt, any genre, with detailed feedback on Ideas, Characters, Reader Appeal, Emotional Commitment, Plot, Style and Overall Effect normally worth £50.00.

Highlighted proofreading for 5,000 words of any work or excerpt, any genre, which means detailed corrections made and shown in your manuscript, normally worth £50.00.

Professional feedback on your story synopsis, with suggestions for possible improvement normally worth £50.00.

A blurb workshop, devising the most ideal, hard-hitting blurb for your work, designed to grab reader attention, normally worth £50.00.

Cover design normally worth £150.00.

Marketing advice normally worth £150.00.

That’s a total value of £500.00 (or approximately $US642.00) if these things were to be assembled together into a package.

However, with the coming of the Inner Circle Writers’ Magazine, I can now offer this whole range of services at a special rate to subscribers.

To celebrate the launch of the magazine, all of the above will now be available to magazine subscribers for less than a third of that price.

The magazine is coming! If you can't wait and want further details now, drop a line:

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The Inner Circle Writers' Group is all about fiction: what it is all about, how it works, helping you to write and publish it. You can keep up to date with live contributions from members, upload your own fiction, enter competitions and so on:
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