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The Secrets of Successful Business

Thousands of people go into ‘business’ every year without understanding the forces that are at work within and behind it. They accept so many things, like the notion of a ‘customer’ or a ‘sales funnel’ without questioning how they are affecting the progress of the business. But all of this can be taken apart, right in front of you, and its components laid out before you like the pieces of an engine - and when it is, you will truly appreciate what it does and how it accomplishes its effects.

There are five basic mechanisms at work in any good business. These create forces which act to

• attract a potential customer to a central figure, known as a ‘customer template' (you'll find out in a moment what a 'customer template' is in relation to business and how to build a convincing one in minutes)

• compel a potential customer to persist with your marketing efforts to find out what happens

• stick prospects to your business until they can figure out what is really going on and how you might be able to help them

• involve and engage potential customers by asking them to make moral choices

• captivate them completely in your main message and drive them forward to the conclusion - a conclusion which is most emphatically NOT when they buy from you.

If any of these mechanisms are missing or not functioning at full capacity, a business loses its power to move its potential and existing customers.

Prospects lose interest; their attention wanders; they predict too easily what will happen; they leave your website or walk out of your shop.

Introduce any of these mechanisms (not even all of them) and a business can pick up prospects’ interest, grab their attention, surprise them, and glue them to you until your work with them is done.

Apart from these five basic mechanisms, there are other things too which most good businesses contain:

• a set of incredibly distinct and amazingly universal archetypes (quite different to those you might be expecting)

• a sequence of prompts which propel prospects forward time after time, even though they have seen the same sequence many times before

• four powerful results which create lasting impact, one way or another

• 'attention commanders' embedded in your business which tell customers what to expect and what they are doing there.

Once you know how the engine of business is constructed, you will never be able to view businesses in the same way again. You'll become an expert, and be far more able to appreciate the magic and the craft of the thing we call ‘business’. You will be able to see things in and do things with business which will seem like magic to those around you. Your own favourite enterprises will suddenly come to life in new ways; you will immediately appreciate how your favourite shops had such an effect on you.

And you will become expert in doing the same things in your own business.

What do you need to do? Nothing. The Secrets of Successful Business email course is available on this website. All you have to do is sign up for it.

Step by step, you will learn to

• manage your time so that you get all of these things actually implemented in your business

• understand the five basic mechanisms which control and guide prospect attention

• develop genuinely attractive customer templates along universally workable lines

• work on your marketing so that it reflects your underlying themes and intentions

• construct a bridge to your exact target audience

• deliver powerful emotional messages which can change your customer relationships forever.

You also learn how to

• spot misalignments in your own business

• format a business ready for operation

At this point, you may be thinking, 'What is all this going to cost?'

Because I have reduced all this material down into an easy-to-read pdf format, which you can download directly to your computer or even to your phone, this isn't going to cost you anything.

Register your interest in joining a select list of recipients by emailing me at


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