Week Three: Characters - What They Are and How To Create Them
From Week Two of the How to Write Stories -and Get Them Published! ecourse you should have an idea of what it is that drives fiction forward.
Now you’re ready to learn how to use it to create a successful, attractive and powerful set of characters.
This week, you’ll discover:
• what the thing called a ‘character’ actually is, and the secrets of how to rapidly build a convincing one that attracts readers
• what the archetypal characters are in any masterpiece of fiction and how they work together
• how to create a protagonist who isn’t just a cipher or shallow copy of someone else’s character
• the crucial role of the antagonist in a story and what all antagonists have in common (it’s quite a lot, as you will see!)
During this week’s lesson, you’ll be asked to apply what you’ve learned to grow your own protagonist - and get feedback from me and any advice if needed.