More About The Three Announcements

These three big announcements - what are they all about really?
Let’s flip them backwards and see.
Imagine that you are a new writer, or a writer who has been around for a while but has been running into a few obstacles.
You can get the free book
and use the programmes in it to tackle the main issues that are probably blocking you from producing as a writer.
Then you can learn tons of useful material and be entertained while doing it by subscribing to the inexpensive and vibrant new Inner Circle Writers’ Magazine, as soon as it is launched.
Then, having become more productive and wiser, you can write attractive fiction and submit it to a whole range of new anthologies in 2019.
You can then potentially win a paid collection of your own work.
It’s a clear pathway towards a career as a writer, and it has been purposefully put together with the aim of freeing up your time to write, educating you on the craft of writing and presenting you with opportunities to be published, so that you can flourish as a writer.
Because you, the person reading this right now, have something to offer.
Whether you write simple entertaining tales to make people smile, enchanting epics to enthral and uplift readers, or deeper works to encourage people to think and feel things that they never have before - or some combination of all of them - the world needs you.
A culture is composed of the contributions of those within it. I don’t think you would disagree very strongly with me that this world needs more and more smart, bright and well-written contributions right now. If a culture is the mind of a civilisation, then it’s up to the writer, along with all the other artists, to keep that mind thinking and alive to the possibilities that Life has to offer.
Your Biggest Challenge as a Writer guides you towards a writing-centred life; the Inner Circle Magazine will give you the information and enlightenment to keep you growing; and the Clarendon House anthologies will continue to provide you with venues so that you can work towards having your own books out there that people will pay you for.
It’s not about the money, at the end of the day: it’s about building a better, truer life, for you and for the people around you.
Please feel free to spread the word to your friends and anyone else who is interested in being a writer. Encourage them to download the free ebook (which they can do straight away on the website) and subscribe to the magazine when it is launched; persuade them to write and submit to the anthologies.
And make sure that you do those things too.
I’ll be there to cheer you on all the way.